Big Bunch ‘O Stuff………..

Wow! We are moving right along in room 221. I am honestly shocked at how much we are getting accomplished because the teachers are learning a new attendance verification system (we still do not know how to enter grades….) and we are apparently changing blog servers so I’ll have to subscribe all of you all over again very soon! Please don’t freak out if one day you to to the blog and it is missing or looks crazy or incomplete….we will get it up an running asap. Just email me if you have questions. That’s just the behind the scenes stuff that you wouldn’t normally know about! I have a lot to tell you and my head is as big as a barrel (silly sinus stuff) so I am going to give you a bulleted list… goes….in no particular order……..

– Today your child brought home his cutie patootie reading bear to keep forever and always as a reminder to read every night! He also brought home his reading log where you will record some books each night (the lines are pre-dated for you so you only have to fill in the title and minutes spent reading). You do not have to write EVERY title, just enough to let me know you’ve read the required minutes per night. Remember – I don’t give a lot of homework… I really really love it when you read each night. 🙂

– I think I have every form from every child! I’ll be sending a note home this week if I am missing some stuff. Thanks for getting those in so quickly!

– If you have not joined PTA, the cost is $5 per adult. We appreciate all of those who join! We have an awesome PTA and they do so much for the children at RQES.

-We had real centers today….with work to be turned in and everything! The children were fantastic! We are learning so much each day!

-Science ROCKS……just ask your little one. This week we are learning about colors!

-Our student teacher from The UofA will be with us on Friday! Welcome Ms. Belew! She will be in our room everyday, all day until the middle of October.

-Your child has a “flat story” to practice reading each night this week, “Sam Come Back”. There will be a test on Friday. Our first Spelling Test is also on Friday. Please keep the “flat story” in the Bear Binder behind the Weekly Reading Practice section so you will know where it is. Don’t be fooled! The stories get harder really quickly!

-Treasure Box Day! Today was Treasure Box Day! An “X” over your signature on any paper indicates that you may keep it at home, file it in the trash can….whatever you’d like to do. 🙂 Needless to say, Treasure Box Day was a big hit!

-Tomorrow is a Zero the Hero Day! I wonder what he will bring…’s always round like a 0!

-August Classroom Calendars will come home ……before September! I promise! ha!

-I know there is more…..but the sinus meds are taking over……Oh! one more thing……I really really like your little people! 🙂 (I can’t always say that this early……in fact, sometimes it’s October before I love them……but your little peeps are growing on me really fast!)

-All About Me bags! Bring yours in if you haven’t already! We still have 3-4 left to do and we are looking for a few others. remember, it’s 5 items that describe your child!

-If you’ve made it this far……..kiss your brains! XOXOX, Alicia

20 Friends!

Today we rounded out our class roll by adding Kordell Stewart. We now have 10 boys and 10 girls! WOW! I’ll send a new class list home tomorrow.

We’ve taken our baseline tests, our DIBELS tests and are glad to have all of that out of the way! Thank you for having everyone here on time and well fed!

I hope to see you tonight in room #221 at 5:30 for our First Grade Firsts program. We will adjourn to the multipurpose room at 6 pm for the general PTA meeting. If your older child is in 4th or 5th grade, please feel free to miss our first grade meeting to attend the meeting on the Disney trip. (I will be having a friend take notes for me since I have yet to figure out how to be in 2 places at one time!) Oh! I may have a very tired Annelise on my hip tonight if Mr. Brad does not get back from Birmingham in time to have daddy duty, so please forgive me! Sometimes my worlds collide!

Hope to see you tonight! Alicia

What a week! :-)

Hello New Bear Class People!

Whew! What a week! I think this week was a bazillion days long and just yesterday I thought that I might not make it……but I went to bed eeeeaaaarrrrllllyyyylast night with my 18 month old, Annelise, and way before my 10 year old, Grayson and my hubby, “Mr. Brad” and when I awakened this morning….all was right with the world! 🙂

I have subscribed all of you to the blog! Hooray! All you have to do to stay current with Bear Class happenings is to read the posts that will magically pop into your email box.

We have a precious bunch of little munchkins. They are working well together. We have had some great lessons so far. We’ve learned about using the magic stapler, we’ve learned to be Bucket Fillers not Bucket Dippers, we’ve learned to push in our chairs “almost” all of the time, we’ve started Math Journals and learned about Calendar, we’ve tried to use our Promethean board every day but the software is still wonky, everyone turned in all of their forms and we’ve started our first CHAPTER book read aloud, Junie B. Jones and the *Silly Smelly Bus (the title actually has a first grade cuss word in it….”stupid” so we have change it to silly, instead), we’ve learned about Bear Binders and getting our mail and using our water cups and navigating lunch and PE….and science! OH Science….I am sure you have been informed of science!!! Are you tired yet?

Get some rest… week is a full week and we will begin learning how to go to centers and we will take the DIBELS test on Tuesday!

Happy Weekend! Alicia